Preventing default behaviour in PowerApps portal web form

This article would be one of the easiest and shortest article but it needs writing about.

Sometimes, in PowerApps portal, we might have a requirement to prevent the default behaviour of the out-of-box buttons and check for some conditions before continuing. This might sound easy but the normal eventArgs.preventDefault() sometimes would not work and for someone with less experience this could be a problem that could take time to resolve.

To understand how and when to use :

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Showing meaning plugin error to portal users

In this post, we are going to configure portal settings that will modify plugin errors displayed to portal users, rather than the usual generic error being shown to users.

Below, I have created a plugin that just throws an error anytime a lead is created in portal

Register the plugin on post-operation on Create of a lead. When a portal user creates a lead using the OOB contact-us page, a generic error like the below is returned:

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Using Content snippets in javascript code on Entity Form Dynamics 365 Portals

In this post, I will be showing how to use a snippet in your javascript code. A powerApps Portal content snippet, using programming terms, is like a static global readonly variable that can be re-used anywhere within your code.

Create a content snippets in your PowerApps portals, make the type an HTML

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