Desrialize and Serialize Json in plugin without newtonsoft library

Often developers struggle with how to handle Json in Plugins, this blog is a way how to serialize and deserialize JSON in plugins without using Imerge or using the new plugin package. Using the method which involves only C# and the default system library, developers can easily serialise and deserialize JSON data.

In the example below, I have created a class that takes a generic T class and then using memory stream to read its value;

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Preventing default behaviour in PowerApps portal web form

This article would be one of the easiest and shortest article but it needs writing about.

Sometimes, in PowerApps portal, we might have a requirement to prevent the default behaviour of the out-of-box buttons and check for some conditions before continuing. This might sound easy but the normal eventArgs.preventDefault() sometimes would not work and for someone with less experience this could be a problem that could take time to resolve.

To understand how and when to use :

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Passing objects to Power Automate from Canvas App

In this article, we will see how objects/variables can be passed from a canvass App to a Power Automate. The pre-requisite needed to be able to follow in this post are:

  • Access to Canvas App
  • Access to Power Automate
  • Lastly, a dynamics 365 instance

Here, I have created a canvas with two button – Call PowerAtomate and Create Collection

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Passing variable/JSON from Power Automate to Canvas App

In this post, we will look at passing variable(s) from power automate to a Canvas App. Prerequisite for this post will be:

  • Access to Power Automate
  • Access to Create a canvas App
  • A single dynamics 365/power platform license.

We would create manually create and spit out a Json out via our power automate, call the power automate in the canvas App and make use of the output in canvas App.

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Dynamically Render Different Portal Entity form depending on field Value

In portals, we can have a requirement where the customer wants to display a distinct form of an entity to users based on the value on a field. This requirement can be achieved by using a custom web template where the form entity would be rendered based on conditions.

In this post, I have created an entity called Trip, created two different forms to be displayed to the portal end-users. The Birmingham form will be rendered if we set the depot option-set field to Birmingham and vice versa for the London Form.

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Multiselect entities in a lookup control using Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects()

You can get the requirement to lookup multiple entities and do something with the selected lookup values. Well search no more, the Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects() Api method would meet such requirement .

I have loaded the below code to trigger on the change of a field. The lookup entities in the below is Contact and Account (it could be a custom field).

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Posting images to Azure Blob storage From Dynamics using Canvas App

In this article, we are going to upload Account entity images to azure blob storage.

Prerequisite needed to implement the requirements in the post are:

  • You should an azure blob storage account up and running. you can follow this microsoft post on how to create one here
  • You should know your way around canvas App studio
  • Access to dynamic 365 instance.
Continue reading “Posting images to Azure Blob storage From Dynamics using Canvas App”